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On-Line Drawing Group for Beginners

This is a beginning drawing class for people who want to learn how to
effectively draw what they see. Students will learn foundation skills that
help them draw at home. We’ll cover simple issues like how to choose objects to draw and we’ll grow to more complex questions of incorporating light and value, texture, and a sense of space in one’s work.

You’ll build skill as well as learn tricks to help you find peace and flow in the moment. You’ll also gain a community of other people learning to draw, and get lots of response to your work as your drawings develop.

Four Thursdays starting 4/23/2020, through 5/14/20

10:00 - 11:30, On Zoom, $160.

Students will need:

two drawing pads: one spiral bound 9 x 12” white, inexpensive sketchbook and one 9 x 12” or larger Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Pad

four drawing pencils: HB, 2B, 4B and 6B and one medium charcoal pencil

one packet of medium or soft vine charcoal (3 sticks)

two erasers: a ‘kneaded’ eraser and a white plastic eraser

a pencil sharpener

and a way to email me photos of their work

I recommend shopping on-line at or by drive-by at Riley Street Art Supplies, San Rafael

Upon registration you’ll receive a confirmation and an invitation to join our
Zoom classroom.


*To pay by check, contact me.