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Sunday Painting Group - Multi-Level

This class builds skill in observational painting in the material of your choice. The complete beginner will start with tempera or gouache, and more advanced students are welcome to use a familiar medium like watercolor, acrylic or oil. Drawing is also an option. Classes will have an assignment appropriate to each student that builds off of a central hub issue for the week: blending, value (light and dark), color, composition, The Light Story, etc. We’ll meet on Zoom unless the weather and air quality are good in which case we’ll meet outside, socially distanced, at a Central Marin location to be determined.

You’ll build skill as well as learn tricks to help you find peace and flow in the moment. You’ll also gain a community of other people learning to paint or who are developing their painting further.

Four Sundays starting 11/1/2020, through 11/29/20 with no class on 11/15


Upon registration you’ll receive a confirmation email with a few questions about your chosen material as well as a material list and a starting location.


*To pay by check, contact me.

Earlier Event: August 16
Sunday Painting Group - Multi-Level